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Christ Fellowship Volunteer Leader Agreement

Thank you for choosing to serve at Christ Fellowship as a Volunteer Leader. By choosing to enter into a leadership role, you are accepting a position of responsibility. Those you lead will watch you closely and take what you say seriously. Leaders should be role models and are called to a higher standard.

As a leader, your lifestyle matters a lot. Who you are when you serve should be consistent with who you are the remainder of the week. That is why we ask everyone serving in a leader role to commit to live by this Volunteer Leadership Agreement.

We do not want to put you in a position where you feel pressure to teach, represent, or appear to agree with a view on the subjects shared below that you do not personally embrace. Those we serve must see a consistency in our faith and how we express it in our daily lives and in our service together. In other words, “how” we live and serve together is as important as “what” we do in our individual ministries. In both your ministry life and personal life, we ask that you commit to living out our Core Values.


Remaining teachable to become usable.

Consistent Quiet Time and Bible Engagement
I realize the greatest way I can serve my church is to grow my personal relationship with Jesus through daily prayer and Bible engagement and staying in active community with my church family. By actively reading the Word and praying, I will live out our Core Value, “Grow to Go.”

Accountability & Confidentiality
I commit to being teachable and transparent, open to review and evaluation, so that I may grow spiritually and in my ability to serve God.

I understand there may be times when I learn a fellow team member of Christ Fellowship has or is currently acting or living his or her life in a manner that is inconsistent with Christ Fellowship’s Core Values and this Volunteer Leadership Agreement. If this involves sexual immorality or conduct which represents a danger to themselves or others, I will immediately bring this to the attention of the pastor who oversees my ministry to determine appropriate next steps.


Stewarding our lives for eternity.

Tithes & Offerings
I commit to returning to the Lord the first ten percent of what He entrusts to me as my tithe and to give beyond that as directed by the Holy Spirit. I will give my tithe to Christ Fellowship, the local church at which I worship and serve.

Unity centered on Jesus & our core beliefs.

My Words
I will use my words to build up the church and the people I serve alongside. Proverbs 18:21 says, “Words kill, words give life; they’re either poison or fruit – you choose.” I choose to speak words of kindness and hope. I will give people the benefit of the doubt. I will not gossip or speak despairingly about other church family members or leadership.


Living a life marked by prayer and integrity.

Social Media

While Social media can be a great connection tool, it also serves as a window into your life beyond when you are serving. With this in mind, we ask that you practice wisdom in the following areas as you use social media:

  • I commit to be wise in what I post to any form of social media. I will err on the side of caution and avoid posting anything is inappropriate or could be considered inappropriate.
  • I commit to avoid posting anything that can be seen as negative or demeaning towards others.
  • I commit to speak highly of the Church (Christ Fellowship as well as the global Church) and of
    church leaders. I will not openly criticize Church leaders through social media.

Drugs & Alcohol

If you have a history of alcohol or drug abuse, this can be something God uses in a positive way to steer the next generation in a different direction. While we believe that God wants to redeem and use every part of our story, we ask you to set some boundaries in place to help protect you as well those you are leading by committing to the following:

  • I commit to avoiding the use of illegal drugs or any other substances that can damage my physical health and or my testimony.
  • I commit to avoiding the use of alcohol in a way that could significantly and negatively impact the community I serve or damage my reputation in the eyes of those I’m leading. I understand that this is more of a leadership and appearance issue than it is a biblical issue.
  • I will refrain from using tobacco or abusing over the counter or prescription medications.
  • I commit to refrain from serving alcohol in my home during Group gatherings

Entertainment & Recreation

People are watching you whether you realize it or not. That’s why it’s important that you use discernment in your entertainment and recreational choices. We ask that you show wisdom by adhering to the following:

  • With the movies and TV programs I watch as well as any video games I play, I will err on the side of caution and avoid anything that would be considered inappropriate for me as a leader at Christ Fellowship.

Sexual Behavior

We believe God’s Word teaches that sex was created by God as an expression of intimacy between a man and a woman within the context of marriage. Volunteer Leaders who embrace lifestyles or behaviors that conflict with this teaching will eventually find themselves having to pretend to be something they are not or believe something they don’t. In an effort to protect you from a potentially awkward situation, we ask that you commit to the following: 

  • I commit to live a lifestyle that models sexual purity in all areas of my life. Ephesians 5:3 says there should not even be a hint of sexual immorality in my life and I will strive to live that way.
  • I commit to not be in a sexually active relationship outside of marriage, and I commit to set healthy boundaries in any relationship that I pursue.
  • I commit to not pursue or engage in a romantic relationship with someone of the same sex.
  • As an unmarried person, I commit to being a good example by choosing not to live with a member of
    the opposite sex.
  • I commit to avoid intentionally putting unwholesome things before my eyes (Psalms 101:3)
    including pornography or television shows / movies with graphic sexual content.

Passion for People
Impacting humanity with the love of God.

Because we care about your spiritual growth, we ask that if you find yourself struggling in one of these areas—or in a place where you cannot make these commitments—that you speak to one of our pastors to help you work through your struggles. We also ask that you delay serving until you are able to commit to these Core Values.

*If you cannot commit at this time, your ministry leader will discuss next steps with you.