Welcome! We’re excited to introduce you to the Production team at Christ Fellowship. We use audio, video, and lighting to create experiences that inspire people to follow Jesus, and we'd love to create a space for you to be a part of what we get to do!
When getting started, we know our production and technology can appear intimidating, and we want to help ensure our team is a good fit for you!
Below you’ll find a list of frequently asked questions about serving in Production that can help ensure you’re well equipped to serve in your specific role.
Top 5 Questions People Ask About Serving in Christ Fellowship Production:
1. What if I don’t have any experience?
That’s OK! Whether you have been in the production industry for years or are just curious and starting out, you are welcome on our team! Regardless of your experience, we have regular training opportunities at each campus to help get you up to speed and ensure you are equipped to serve in any role. You don’t have to serve in a service until you feel comfortable making it happen.
2. What roles can I serve in?
Some of the roles on the Production Team include:
- Audio Engineers are responsible for creating a clear and immersive audio experience. They collaborate with worship teams, communicators, and content creators to create smooth transitions between each element in the service to ensure attendees have an engaging audio experience.
- Video Teams functions as multiple parts of a whole - responsible for displaying cameras, videos, song lyrics, Bible verses, slides, and message notes. Christ Fellowship is one church in multiple locations, and we depend on our video teams to help get video signals from one campus to another and to visually enhance the experience at each campus so attendees can engage with the service elements on video.
- Lighting Operators help create an inviting experience by highlighting and bringing focus to each service element while ensuring the service remains distraction-free.
- Stage Management Teams – Stage teams coordinate the movement of people, instruments, and props on and off stage, ensuring the stage is safe for all teams and that the movements on stage are efficient and visually distraction-free for attendees.
3. When can I start serving?
As soon as you’d like! We’d love to have you shadow our team and get you plugged in when you feel ready. To start serving, click “Complete Application” at the bottom of this page!
4. Will I get training?
Yes! We have multiple training opportunities during the week. We will make sure you get on the best training path for your role at a scheduled time that works for you. You can rest assured our team is dedicated to making sure you feel ready to “make it happen” before you ever run your first service.
5. How often can I serve?
We have several serving rhythms you can choose from during the application process. For example: Once a month on Sunday, twice a month on Wednesday, etc. We only ask that you serve a minimum of once every two months, so your training stays fresh! Your commitment level can be changed/updated at any time should you need to serve less or would like to serve more.
Please note:
- Background checks are required for all applicants age 18 and older.
- We ask anyone who has not completed The Journey to make it a goal to complete it as part of your onboarding and training experience. You can register for The Journey by texting “Journey” to 441-441.
Complete Application